Financial assistance summary

Help when you need it

When patients who live in our communities need medical care, financial concerns should not prevent them from accessing or receiving care. Adirondack Health is committed to providing medically necessary care by offering Financial Assistances to patients that qualify.

Adirondack Health’s financial assistance program applies to services received at our hospitals, clinics, and healthcare providers who are employed by Adirondack Health.

Adirondack Health is proud of its mission to provide quality care to all who need it.
No one will be denied access to services due to the inability to pay.
A discounted/sliding fee schedule is available.

Financial assistance/enhanced enrollment for the uninsured and underinsured

Who qualifies for a discount?

Adirondack Health provides financial aid to uninsured patients who are residents of New York state based on their income and needs, regardless of their immigration status. We also may be able to enroll you in free or low-cost health insurance.

It is important that you let us know if you will have difficulty paying your bill so we can be sure that your unpaid claims do not become part of the collections process.

What are the income limits?

The amount of the discount varies based on your income and the size of your family.

The income limits for eligibility are based on the yearly established national poverty guidelines, which you can view by clicking here.

What if I do not meet the income limits?

If you cannot pay your bill, Adirondack Medical Center offers a payment plans. Payment plans are based on the total amount owed and not greater than 10% of the gross monthly income.

How do I apply?

Payment plans: You may set up an interest-free payment plan for outstanding balances. Call our financial counselor at 518-897-2217 and pay your balance in manageable monthly payments.

Financial assistance: Please contact our counselor at 518-897-2217 for an application or assistance. If you do not speak English, someone will help you in your own language. The counselor can help you fill out the forms and tell you what documents you need to bring.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact our financial counselor in our business office at 518-897-2217 or

What do I need to apply for a discount?

  1. A completed application.
  2. Income verification: The lesser of the last 12 weeks gross income (paycheck stubs, statements from employer, etc) or the last 12 months gross income from the date of the application.
  3. A copy of a determination notice regarding medical coverage.
    If you cannot provide any of these, you may still be able to apply for financial assistance.
  4. Proof of residency.

What services are covered?

All medically necessary services provided by Adirondack Medical Center are covered by the discount. This includes outpatient services, emergency care, and inpatient admissions.

Charges from private doctors who provide services in the hospital may not be covered. You should talk to private doctors to see if they offer a discount or payment plan.

How much do I have to pay?

Our financial counselor will give you the details about your specific discount(s) once your application is processed.

How do I get the discount?

You have to fill out the application form. As soon as we have a completed application and all supporting documentation, we can process your application for a discount according to your income level.

You can apply for a discount when you come to the hospital to get care or when the bill comes in the mail.

Send the completed form to Adirondack Medical Center or bring it to the financial counselor’s office. You have up to 240 days after receiving services to request, complete and return your application.

How will I know if I was approved for the discount?

Adirondack Medical Center will send you a letter within 30 days after completion and submission of documentation. It will tell you if you have been approved and the level of discount received.

What if I receive a bill while I’m waiting to hear if I can get a discount?

You cannot be required to pay a hospital bill while your application for a discount is being considered. If your application is turned down, the hospital must tell you why in writing and must provide you with a way to appeal this decision to a higher level within the hospital.

What if I have a problem I cannot resolve with the hospital?

You may call the New York State Department of Health complaint hotline at 1-800-804-5447.